Message - Flex application should run in windowless mode.

Applies to TestComplete 15.68, last modified on October 03, 2024
Flash Player has reached end of life on December 31, 2020. Support for Flash and Flex applications is now deprecated in TestComplete and will be removed in a future release.

You may receive this message when trying to record a test against a Flex or Flash application or when exploring a Flash or Flex application with the Object Spy. Note that this message can be displayed only for applications running in the Chrome browser.

The tags that are used for publishing SFW content on web pages (OBJECT and EMBED) have a specific attribute - wmode. If this parameter is set to window (the default value), direct or gpu, TestComplete cannot recognize objects properly within the application. As a result, you cannot perform recording and use the Object Spy functionality.

To be able to record tests and explore the application, specify the opaque or transparent value for the wmode parameter in the page's source code. As a workaround, you can also record your test in Internet Explorer instead, and then modify the test in order to play it back with the application running in Chrome.

See Also

Configuring Window Mode
Testing Flash and Flex Applications - Overview

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